Browsing WORKING PAPERS by Author "Buthelezi, Thabani"

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Browsing WORKING PAPERS by Author "Buthelezi, Thabani"

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  • Woolard, Ingrid; Buthelezi, Thabani; Bertsher, Jonathan (2012)
    This paper provides a brief summary of some key descriptive findings about child grants from the first two waves of the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). Wave 1 was conducted in 2008 and Wave 2 in 2010/11. The paper ...
  • Von Fintel, Dieter; Von Fintel, Marisa; Buthelezi, Thabani (2019-01)
    A large body of international research focuses on the corrective influence that cash transfers can have on the health of chronically malnourished children. However, the evidence also points to the heterogeneity of the ...

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