Browsing WORKING PAPERS by Subject "Longitudinal data"

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Browsing WORKING PAPERS by Subject "Longitudinal data"

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  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-12)
    We use the first three waves of data from the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) to analyse poverty dynamics in South Africa between 2008 and 2012. Restricting ourselves to the sub-sample of balanced panel respondents, ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Menendez, Alicia; Mutevedzi, Tinofa (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2011-03)
    This paper uses a rich longitudinal dataset to examine the relationship between teen fertility and both subsequent educational outcomes and mortality risk in rural South Africa. Human capital deficits among teen mothers ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Barnighausen, Till; Case, Anne; Menendez, Alicia (2012-12)
    Using a large longitudinal dataset, we quantify the impact of adult deaths on household economic wellbeing. The timing of lower socioeconomic status observed for households in which members die of AIDS suggests that the ...
  • Ranchhod, Vimal; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Marteleto, Letitia (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2011-03)
    We estimate the effect of a teenage birth on the educational attainment of young mothers in Cape Town, South Africa. Longitudinal and retrospective data on youth from the CAPS dataset are used. We control for a number of ...
  • Branson, Nicola; Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2011-03)
    This paper analyzes the effect of being born to a teen mother on child health outcomes in South Africa using propensity score reweighting. Exploiting the longitudinal nature of the Cape Area Panel Study, we estimate the ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Gasealahwe, Boingotlo (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2012-05)
    This report examines the health data from the second wave of the NIDS with a view to assessing the strengths and weakness of the data and highlighting the potential of the NIDS panel for the analysis of the relationship ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Case, Anne; Islam, Mahnaz; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Menendez, Alicia; Olgiati, Anna (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2009-02)
    We use panel data collected in metropolitan Cape Town to document the role played by aging parents in caring for the children of children who die. In addition, we quantify the probabilities that older adults and the older ...
  • Case, Anne; Ardington, Cally (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-12)
    We analyse longitudinal data from a demographic surveillance area (DSA) in KwaZulu-Natal, to examine the impact of parental death on children's outcomes. We find significant differences in the impact of mothers' and fathers' ...
  • Ranchhod, Vimal; Dinkelman, Taryn (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2007-12)
    We generate a longitudinal dataset using the rotating panel component of the nationally representative Labour Force Surveys from 2001 to 2003. We then estimate the transition probabilities across different labour market ...
  • Cichello, Paul; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2012)
    This paper provides a brief summary of key labour market outcomes in Wave 2 of NIDS and also examines labour market transitions that occurred between Wave 1 and Wave 2. This corresponds approximately to changes between ...
  • Lloyd, Neil; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-05)
    Access to new nationally-representative, individual-level panel data from South Africa has allowed for the revalidation of Kingdon and Knight’s (2006) discussion on the definition of unemployment. This paper investigates ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2009-11)
    This paper makes use of the Cape Area Panel study (CAPS), a longitudinal study of youth and their families in metropolitan Cape Town in order to broaden the empirical body of evidence of the causal impact of parental death ...
  • Branson, Nicola; Hofmeyr, Clare; Lam, David (2013-07)
    The release of the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2 provides the first nationally representative longitudinal data collected in South Africa. This makes it possible to study transitions in and out of school, across ...
  • Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2007-11)
    This paper develops a stochastic model of grade repetition to analyze the large racial differences in progress through secondary school in South Africa. The model predicts that a larger stochastic component in the link ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Barnighausen, Till; Case, Anne; Menendez, Alicia (2013-06)
    An Apartheid-driven spatial mismatch between workers and jobs leads to high job search costs for people living in rural areas of South Africa—costs that many young people cannot pay. In this paper, we examine whether the ...
  • Daniels, Reza Che; Finn, Arden; Musundwa, Sibongile (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2012-05)
    This document investigates the composition and distribution of individual and household wealth in the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) Wave 2 dataset (SALDRU, 2010-2011). The NIDS Wave 2 instrument marks the first ...

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