SALDRU Repository


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  • Beukes, E.P; Pearce, A (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-09)
    This report is one of a series of regional studies of available statistics on living standards and development. It has been produced as part of a larger study of the South African Labour and Development Research Unit ...
  • Cobbledick, J.; Sharratt, M. (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-10)
    This report is concerned with the generation of a poverty profile in the Durban region. For the purposes of this report, the 'Durban region' is defined as the magisterial districts of Durban, Chatsworth, Inanda, Pinetown, ...
  • Fincham, R.; Harrison, D.; Khosa, M.; Le Roux, I. (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-11)
    The period preceding the April 1994 elections offers an opportunity for significant contributions to be made in policy formulation in key areas of social and economic concern. Situational analyses in particular areas such ...
  • Hall, Peter; Saayman, Gina; Molatedi, Dudu; Kok, Pieter (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-11)
    This document, compiled by staff of the Development Policy and Planning Unit of the Human Sciences Research Council, presents a profile of living standards and poverty in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vaal Triangle (PWV). One ...
  • Van Horen, Clive; Afrane-Okese, Yaw; Eberhard, Anton; Trollip, Hilton; Wiliams, Anthony (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-11)
    This report contains a description and analysis of the current energy consumption patterns of poor households in South Africa, and proposes a range of policies which can improve significantly the access of the poor to ...
  • Kruger, Vanessa; Buthelezi, Sipho (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 1993-11)
    This study is concerned with 39 magisterial districts in the Eastern Cape/Border region. These are, as per the terms of reference of the study, Adelaide, Albany, Albert, Alexandria, Aliwal North, Bathurst, Barkley East, ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Case, Anne (2006-12)
    Health status and socioeconomic status are important determinants of individuals’ wellbeing. Information on income alone, or on health alone, provides a less complete picture. Better health can lead to higher income, and ...
  • Burns, Justine; Keswell, Malcolm (2006-12)
    The household is central to most policy initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, since it has long been thought that this is the most efficient way to transfer income and other resources towards those in need. Indeed, the ...
  • Casale, Daniela; Posel, Dorrit (2006-12)
    Migration, at the broadest level, involves the movement of individuals over space and the change of an individual's place of residence. This general definition encompasses many different kinds of migration. Migration may ...
  • Moultrie, Tom (2006-12)
    This briefing paper sets out proposed questions for the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) that will ensure that the study will be able to answer questions relating to the intersection between demographic variables and ...
  • Keswell, Malcolm; Burns, Justine (2006-12)
    Well functioning credit and insurance markets, in many respects, obviates the need for public policy that is oriented at providing support to households when they face economic hardship. But when the market for cheap ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Lam, David (2007-01)
    There can be little question that education plays a fundamental role in income dynamics, and that it should be an important focus of the National Income Dynamics Study. In preparing this document, we have been motivated ...
  • Conradie, Beatrice (2007-01)
    At the last count agriculture employed twice as many people as the mining sector and about four fifths of the number employed in the manufacturing sector. Together with domestic work, farm work is often seen as employment ...
  • Posel, Dorrit (2009-07)
    This paper investigates measures of migration captured in the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), and it compares these measures, and how information is collected, with other household surveys conducted in South Africa. ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Case, Anne (2009-07)
    Health status and socioeconomic status are important determinants of individuals’ wellbeing. Information on income alone, or on health alone, provides a less complete picture. Better health can lead to higher income, and ...
  • Menendez, Alicia; Branson, Nicola; Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2011-12)
    Reports in the South African media consistently describe an explosion of teenage pregnancies. Yet studies by the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town show that teen ...
  • Lloyd, Neil; Leibbrandt, Murray (, 2013-06)
    New evidence suggests that non-searching unemployed people are significantly less satisfied with their lives than people who are not economically active. Indeed, the non-searching unemployed have hit rock bottom. Assuming ...
  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (, 2013-07)
    The measurement of poverty should include dimensions of well-being that cannot be measured in monetary terms. Data on health, education and standards of living can be used to calculate a so-called Multidimensional Poverty ...
  • Hofmeyr, Clare; Branson, Nicola; Leibbrandt, Murray; Ardington, Cally; Lam, David (, 2013-10)
    Increasing levels of youth unemployment and learners’ poor performance at school have led to claims that the matric certificate no longer has much value in the labour market. However, the evidence does not support this ...
  • Dinkelman, Taryn; Ranchhod, Vimal; Hofmeyr, Clare (Econ3x3, 2014-04)
    What happens when a previously unregulated labour market is regulated? After the introduction of minimum wages and mandatory employment contracts for domestic workers, wages increased markedly while neither employment nor ...

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