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  • Menendez, Alicia; Branson, Nicola; Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2011-12)
    Reports in the South African media consistently describe an explosion of teenage pregnancies. Yet studies by the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town show that teen ...
  • Lloyd, Neil; Leibbrandt, Murray (, 2013-06)
    New evidence suggests that non-searching unemployed people are significantly less satisfied with their lives than people who are not economically active. Indeed, the non-searching unemployed have hit rock bottom. Assuming ...
  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (, 2013-07)
    The measurement of poverty should include dimensions of well-being that cannot be measured in monetary terms. Data on health, education and standards of living can be used to calculate a so-called Multidimensional Poverty ...
  • Hofmeyr, Clare; Branson, Nicola; Leibbrandt, Murray; Ardington, Cally; Lam, David (, 2013-10)
    Increasing levels of youth unemployment and learners’ poor performance at school have led to claims that the matric certificate no longer has much value in the labour market. However, the evidence does not support this ...
  • Dinkelman, Taryn; Ranchhod, Vimal; Hofmeyr, Clare (Econ3x3, 2014-04)
    What happens when a previously unregulated labour market is regulated? After the introduction of minimum wages and mandatory employment contracts for domestic workers, wages increased markedly while neither employment nor ...
  • Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Branson, Nicola; Leibbrandt, Murray (, 2014-06)
    South Africa’s large racial gap in enrolment in tertiary education can be attributed to the widely varying quality of primary and secondary education rather than to the low incomes of most black and coloured households. ...
  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (2014-06)
    The high level of inequality in South Africa has added fuel to the debate surrounding the extent to which an African middle class has emerged in South Africa in the past 20 years. This paper analyses changes in income ...
  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (2014-06)
    Gauging levels of welfare using data on income and expenditure while informative is limited, and can be enhanced by including non-money-metric measures. Using data from the detailed and nationally representative PSLSD ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Case, Anne; Menendez, Alicia; Bärnighausen, Till; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray (2014-06-19)
    Globally and locally, youth unemployment is on the rise, leading the ILO to warn of a “‘scarred’generation of young people” who face low rates of employment and high rates of inactivity (ILO 2013). Policymakers and researchers ...
  • Grieger, Lloyd; Williamson, April; Leibbrandt, Murray; Levinsohn, James (2014-06-19)
    This analysis offers insight into short-term household change in South Africa by examining the extent and correlates of residential and compositional change. Data from Waves 1 and 2 of the National Income Dynamics Study ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Hofmeyr, Clare (Econ3x3, 2014-07)
    It is important to know whether a social grant such as the old age pension eases financial constraints in rural areas, thereby allowing young men to migrate to urban areas for work – or whether these grants encourage ...
  • Branson, Nicola; Byker, Tanya (2016-04)
    Despite widespread, freely available contraception and progressive reproductive health laws, most teen mothers report their last pregnancy as unintended or unplanned. This begs the question: Why are many sexually active ...
  • De Lannoy, Ariane; Storme, Evelien; Mudiriza, Gibson; Smith, Charmaine (2018-07)
    More than two decades after South Africa’s transition to democracy, more than half of all young people between the ages of 15 to 24 in the country continue to live in income poverty. While progress has been made in several ...
  • Branson, Nicola; De Lannoy, Ariane; Brynde, K (2019-02)
    This policy brief provides an overview of the evidence on the precarious connection between youth and the labour market in South Africa. Drawing on almost 10 years of data collected by the National Income Dynamics Study ...
  • Maughan-Brown, Brendan; Eyal, Katherine; Buttenheim, Alison; Ingle, Kim; Brophy, Timothy (2022-02)
    The COVID-19 Vaccine Survey (CVACS) aims to collect high quality, timely information to inform the development of campaigns and programmes to improve COVID-19 vaccination uptake in South Africa. This policy brief provides ...
  • Eyal, Katherine; Maughan-Brown, Brendan; Buttenheim, Alison; Ingle, Kim; Brophy, Timothy; Njozela, Lindokuhle; Köhler, Tim (2022-04)
    The COVID-19 Vaccine Survey (CVACS) aims to collect high quality, timely information to inform the development of campaigns and programmes to improve COVID-19 vaccination uptake in South Africa. This policy brief provides ...

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