Financial instruments of the poor: Initial findings from the Financial Diaries Study

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Show simple item record Collins, Daryl 2013-10-11T12:19:21Z 2013-10-11T12:19:21Z 2005-10
dc.identifier.isbn 1-77011-064-X
dc.description.abstract A new data set called the Financial Diaries has been produced, based on a sample of 166 households, drawn from three different areas (Langa, Lugangeni and Diepsloot), from a range of dwelling types and wealth categories. A unique methodology was used to create a year-long daily data set of every income, expense and financial transaction used by these households. Within this sample, households used, on average, 17 different financial instruments over the course of the study year. A composite household portfolio, based on all 166 households, has an average of 4 savings instruments, 2 insurance instruments and 11 credit instruments. Of these financial instruments, for the same composite household portfolio, 30% are formal and 70% are informal. Interestingly, it was found that rural households use as many financial instruments as urban households. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher CSSR and SALDRU en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries CSSR/SALDRU Working Paper;130
dc.subject Financial diaries en_US
dc.subject Poverty en_US
dc.subject Financial instruments en_US
dc.subject Langa en_US
dc.subject Lugangeni en_US
dc.subject Diepsloot en_US
dc.subject Household assets en_US
dc.subject Credit en_US
dc.subject Saving en_US
dc.subject Insurance en_US
dc.subject Rural households en_US
dc.subject Urban households en_US
dc.subject Low income countries en_US
dc.subject Money en_US
dc.title Financial instruments of the poor: Initial findings from the Financial Diaries Study en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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