This report is one of a series of regional studies of available statistics on living standards and development. It has been produced as part of a larger study of the South African Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town. The aim of this study was not to do an analysis of the statistics, but rather to report on what data is currently available in the region on a series of issues relevant to policy for poverty relief. No claim can therefore be made of completeness. Comments are made at the end of this report on the quality and sufficiency of the data. The authors follow a spatial demarcation (derived from the statistics available) in which region C is divided into four sub-regions. More than one sub-regional demarcation had to be used due to the differences in the existing research material consulted. Thus, sub-regional indicators such as Cl, C2, C3 and C4 are used as well as the terms South, West, North and East.