Browsing 2010 - 2019 by Author "Leibbrandt, Murray"

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Browsing 2010 - 2019 by Author "Leibbrandt, Murray"

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  • Leibbrandt, Murray; Finn, Arden; Woolard, Ingrid (Development Southern Africa, 2012)
    This paper describes the changes in inequality in South Africa over the post-apartheid period, using income data from 1993 and 2008. Having shown that the data are comparable over time, it then profiles aggregate changes ...
  • Keswell, Malcolm; Girdwood, Sarah; Leibbrandt, Murray (Review of Income and Wealth, 2013)
    We analyze the role of educational opportunity in shaping inequality in the distribution of occupations in the long run. We use the timing of political events in the history of the struggle to end Apartheid to devise an ...
  • Grieger, Lloyd; Williamson, April; Leibbrandt, Murray; Levinsohn, James (Development Southern Africa, 2014)
    We use longitudinal data from the National Income Dynamics Study to document the extent of recent short-term residential and household compositional change in South Africa. We analyse the demographic correlates of these ...
  • Woolard, Ingrid; Leibbrandt, Murray; Daniels, Reza Che (Development Southern Africa, 2014)
    The National Income Dynamics Study is the first national panel study of South African individuals. Its objective is to track these individuals over time to study social mobility. This paper documents the survey design and ...
  • Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray; Levinsohn, James (Development Southern Africa, 2014)
    The study of income inequality and income mobility has been central to understanding post-apartheid South Africa's development. This paper uses the first two waves of the National Income Dynamics Study to analyse income ...
  • Nanziri, Elizabeth L; Leibbrandt, Murray (South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 2018-05)
    Background: Microeconomic theories of financial behaviour tend to assume that consumers possess financial skills necessary to undertake related financial decisions. Aim and setting: We investigated this assumption by ...
  • Wittenberg, Martin; Leibbrandt, Murray (Review of Income and Wealth, 2017-02)
    Asset indices are widely used, particularly in the analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys, where they have been routinely constructed as “wealth indices.” Such indices have been externally validated in a number of ...
  • Lloyd, Neil; Leibbrandt, Murray (Development Southern Africa, 2014)
    Access to new nationally representative, individual-level panel data from South Africa has allowed for the revalidation of Kingdon and Knight's discussion on the definition of unemployment. This paper investigates subjective ...
  • Schotte, Simone; Zizzamia, Rocco; Leibbrandt, Murray (World Development, 2018-05)
    The wave of upbeat stories on the developing world’s emerging middle class has reinvigorated a debate on how social class in general and the middle class in particular ought to be defined and measured. In the economics ...
  • Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Journal of Development Economics, 2011)
    This paper analyzes the large racial differences in progress through secondary school in South Africa. Using recently collected longitudinal data we find that grade advancement is strongly associated with scores on a ...
  • Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (2010 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2013)
    Documents the historical context for the current cash transfer programs in South Africa, examines evidence concerning the aggregate impact of these cash transfers on poverty levels, and argues for a stronger focus on active ...
  • Shifa, Muna; Leibbrandt, Murray (Springer Netherlands, 2017-09)
    This paper explores urban poverty and inequality in Kenya. We use the 2009 Kenyan population census data and estimate multidimensional poverty and inequality measures in the capital city and other secondary cities and ...
  • Cichello, Paul; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (Development Southern Africa, 2014)
    There is little empirical work in South Africa using panel data to describe employment and earnings dynamics. This paper contributes by describing labour-market transitions in South Africa between 2008 and 2010 for individuals ...

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